Fortune Preschool Newsletter - Elk Grove


The Terrific Twos and Threes room has been learning about their colors! This past week, they decided to focus on the color red. Between using red paint and red playdough, the children have been excited to do any activity that involved the color red. 

The children in the three and four year old classroom have been exploring with the ramps and balls set. As the children build, test and experiment, they will strengthen their critical thinking, early STEM skills and more. This wonderful activity is a great way to get everyone involved and helps to keep the learning fun!

A few reminders:

-Sign your child in & out every day. Don't forget your Child Action attendance as well!

-Please pack three changes of clothing for your child in case of accidents

-Replace diapers/pull-ups as needed to prevent running out

-Bring in a family photo for a future project

-Take home your child's nap sack and sheet to wash on Fridays

-Wear your mask when dropping off & picking up your child and sign in & out on the visitor log


Dates to Remember.....


Fortune Preschool will be closed on the following days - 


-Monday, June 19th - Juneteenth

-Tuesday, July 4th - Independence Day

-Wednesday, August 2nd - Friday, August 4th - Staff Development Days 

Why are Board Games Important?

-Board games offer opportunities for learning such as counting, colors, and shapes.

-Teamwork is learned when playing a board game.

-Healthy brain development occurs when playing a board game.

-Board games help to boost language skills.

-Board games can help children to make friends more easily when having to play together.

-Children's attention spans are increased when playing board games.

How to Raise a Reader

Ms. Johnson reading to a group of scholars.


Aaryn's Pre-Reading Skills Video


• Read together every day and everywhere. Ask children to bring a book or two when heading to the park. 

• Think “outside the book” and read out loud. When grocery shopping, read signs and labels. Read a recipe together. Go on a scavenger hunt for sounds and letters.

• Send positive messages about the joy of reading. Make a trip to the library an adventure. 

• Reread favorites. Children love to hear their favorite stories over and over again. Capture the child’s attention by pointing to words and pictures as you read.

• Expose children to “mirror” and “window” books where they see themselves represented and also learn about different cultures and experiences. 

• Talk, talk, talk. A child’s vocabulary grows through rich conversations with others. They are really listening to you.